Your dreams can come true; it’s all about changing the mindset and starting to believe in yourself again.

Can you share with us a little about your background, experience and your passions in life?

Hello beautiful people, I’m Rambo, a Mindset and Leadership Coach. As I’ve completed my bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in Israel, I took a month-long trip to Thailand. Twenty years later, I’m still in Thailand (and it still feels like being on a holiday, wicked).

My life took a turn when I discovered that there is a much better way to live life. From the craziness of one lifestyle to a chillax and easygoing lifestyle.

I became a science and technology teacher in a school in Thailand. As rewarding as it is to develop young minds, I felt that bigger things are waiting for me. This is when I’ve started my coaching journey.

Now I’m a Mindset and Leadership Coach. I work with ambitious introverts to unleash their inner badass so they enjoy freedom and meaningful success in their life and career.

What would you say are your top 3 core values in life?

My top 3 core values are:


The only way to build trust and truly connect with people through honesty. Imagine our world if people were honest with you and you with them; how much stress would have been gone?


As a high-achiever, I strive to get the best results in the shortest time. It is challenging, yet rewarding to make the best use of our precious time.


The only way to grow and be a better person is to keep learning new things from new people. The more you learn, the more you discover that old “truths” are actually lies.

If you could choose any new skill to have, what would it be?

I would love to be a skilled creator. Create engaging content that speaks to people’s hearts and trigger action to better their lives.

If you could select one piece of advice that you feel the world needs to listen to and bring into reality, what would it be?

Unlearn everything you know and keep learning new things. Share on X

Our upbringing causes us to have a distorted view of the world. It took me half-life to learn how things work. And in the second half, I’m deleting everything I’ve learned because I discovered that what I “know” is wrong and doesn’t serve me.

Education systems around the world are outdated, they still teach children to have a factory worker mentality, instead of developing an entrepreneurial attitude. It would be much more useful if school thoughts us how to use our minds for good, how to manage time and money, how to build strong relationships based on compassion and empathy. How to support each other and the environment, instead of trying to destroy them out of selfishness and greed.

Who is your virtual coach/mentor, and why?

Many people impacted me and the way I see the world. To mention a few: Mel Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Tom Bilyeu, Kyle Cease, Brene Brown, Ed Mylett.

Each one of them has a different perspective on people’s behavior and how to cope with life’s adversities. They strive to improve themselves and help others.

What is your “secret ingredient” for a happier and fulfilling life?

Growth Mindset and Consistency are just two of a basket of ingredients for happy and fulfilled life.

Never assume you know anything, be open-minded to learn new things, and expand beyond your comfort zone. Rise to challenges and be victorious after a series of failures. Growth is a never-ending process, so be consistent and never give up.… Share on X

Which habit do you think is making you a better, happier and healthier person?

My morning routine (The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod) changed my life. If you get the first hour of the day (at 5 AM) right, the rest of the day will be extremely productive. This routine includes 6 mini routines acronym SAVERS:

Silent (AKA meditation)




Read Scribe (fancy word for journal)

Throughout the day, I practice Positive Intelligence (PQ). A simple technique to get centered and focused within 10 seconds. It builds brain muscles and pathways to strengthen your subconscious mind and the way you respond to challenging situations and people. A life-changing habit.

The bottom line is to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body while maintaining healthy relationships with the people we interact with.

Oh yeah, one more thing; don’t watch the news. There is nothing but fear and anxiety there.

How did you build this habit?

Building these habits started by reading books and trying to put their theories to the test. Some worked better than others, so I kept the ones that worked for me. I also take many courses to learn and experience new things. Again, some courses were irrelevant, and some were life-changing. Just keep exploring with open-mind and see what comes up. It all comes down to the way you manage your mindset. After all, happiness is a choice, not an event.

What helps you when you are stressed or anxious?

After practicing Positive Intelligence (PQ), I’ve become more aware of rising emotions. When I feel anger, stress, or other negative emotions, I stop for 10 seconds and do PQ reps. Right there in front of people by noticing my breath, sounds around me, and other sensation. That’s all I need to catch those voices in my head (called saboteurs or dark side) and silent their chattering.

Then I empower my inner Jedi (aka Sage) and deal with the stress or any other emotions with laser focus and mindfulness of a Jedi warrior in real time.

What book changed your life, and in what way?

The list of life-changing books is very long for me. However, the first book that hit me was “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. It made me realize that everything I knew about money was wrong. From there I started to notice that almost everything I thought I knew about life was wrong. It was a real eye-opener that started a snowball of changes in every area of my life.

Other life-changing books are: “How to Make Friends and Influence People”, “Think and Grow Rich”, “The 4 Agreements”, “The Secret”.

Are you into journaling/bujo? If yes, in what way do you journal?

I do journaling every morning but to be honest, it’s not really my thing. I keep it short and follow a template to remind me about my intentions for the coming day, my wins and losses of the previous day and some thoughts dump to clear my head.

Do you practice mindfulness? If yes, why did you start and what do you like about the practice of mindfulness?

Mindfulness such as meditations and the PQ reps I’ve mentioned earlier have a big part in my life. It helps me get centered and focus on what’s important. With 70,000 thoughts that run in our heads every day, it is easy to get stuck in our heads with an emotional downward spiral.

Mindfulness helps me get out of my head and be truly free from negativity and unnecessary stress. Mindfulness also boosts my energy and the frequency of my transmitted energy which affects the people around me and the way we interact.

As a coach, I’m more aware of this energy and the unspoken word. Mindfulness helps everybody to be on the brighter side of things.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

Ha ha, great question. When I don’t know what to do, I stop doing and sit quietly. I allow the universe to work through me. As with mindfulness, I find myself more receptive to the infinite intelligence of the universe when I clear my mind.

The cornerstone of coaching believes that humans are Creative, Resourceful, and Whole. In other words, you already have all the answers to your problems, you just need to allow them to rise to your conscious mind.

What is the most unusual thing you are grateful for?

One of the reasons I came to Thailand in the first place was a break up from my girlfriend that I loved very much. I needed to go away for a while to heal my wounds. A terrible time turned into the best thing that happened to me. Now I live happily ever after with my Thai wife in the land of smile and never look back.

What makes a “Good Day” a good day for you?

A good day for me is when I’m able to help people realize their true potential. Helping them look deep inside and see how awesome they are.

Most people forget their childhood dreams and create a "realistic" version of themselves. The truth is, that your dreams can come true; it's all about changing the mindset and starting to believe in yourself again. Share on X

The only way to fail is by giving up. As long as you keep trying, you will get to your destination eventually (Jedi mindset).

What question I should have asked you by now that I haven’t yet…? What would your answer be?

What would you have changed in the world if you had the power?

Great question. I would reinvent the education system. Schools should teach kids to think more creatively, embrace diversity, and advocate failure. Teach kids how to manage their minds, their time, their money, relationships and drive them to strive for happiness, rather than money and status. Teach people how to set proper goals and be consistent in achieving them without fears of failure, judgments, and rejection. Build healthy habits and self-control. Learn the necessary skillset to achieve those goals and ambitions. With this kind of education, people will support other opinions without judgment. People will listen to others and learn from their experiences rather than try to convince them that their opinion is the only right one. A world with no scary news and scarcity mentality. A world where people tap into the universe’s abundance and fulfill their limitless potential.

Additional Notes

Discover more about Rambo on his website, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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