I am grateful for the little details that change my life for the better.

Can you share with us a little about your background, experience and your passions in life?

Eleni Matraki is an experienced Lawyer, TED speaker and Accredited Life, Wellness & Business Coach (EIA), committed to motivate and inspire others to take charge and enhance their life. She has a passion to encourage people to be authentic, real, honest, forgiving, the very best they can be.

Her legal education background on the Socratic Method as well as her over a decade of experience in Courts, make her a master in rhetorical skills and questioning process.

At the same time the strengths and confidence she has developed through her own growth, make her listen with openness and compassion. She feels that part of her identity includes being a coach, that coaching is for her a natural form of self- expression.

What would you say are your top 3 core values in life?

Integrity, Freedom, Compassion

If you could choose any new skill to have, what would it be?

Mental Wellbeing in Children and Young People

If you could select one piece of advice that you feel the world needs to listen to and bring into reality, what would it be?

Believe in yourself.

Who is your virtual coach/mentor, and why?

Every person that come across my life is a potential mentor. Everyone has to teach us something at any stage of our life if we can be open minded and focused.

What is your “secret ingredient” for a happier and fulfilling life?

Letting things happen with the minimum resistance. Trusting the course of life but staying focused at the same time for new information, lessons, and opportunities.

Which habit do you think is making you a better, happier and healthier person?

Not taking things personally. I built this habit with consistent work with myself, self-coaching and of course with the help of my own coach.

What helps you when you are stressed or anxious?

A deep breath, a deep belief that things will go well and a connection with the unlimited power that flows around us. Share on X

What book changed your life, and in what way?

“The Power of Now” by E. Tolle. It made me understand how to detach from the analytical mind and the ego.

Are you into journaling/bujo? If yes, in what way do you journal?

I use many notebooks to write down thoughts and ideas. I do not do it regularly but I believe that writing down thoughts and enlightenments is a productive method to understand more things about yourself

Do you practice mindfulness? If yes, why did you start and what do you like about the practice of mindfulness?

I try to practice mindfulness when I feel stressed or when I feel relaxed. I believe it is a good habit. I started it when I followed an online 7 week course and I try to continue it because it is a nurturing and refreshing habit.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

I pray and wait with confidence for the answer

What is the most unusual thing you are grateful for?

Every little coincidence, every synchrony, and serendipity that has happened in my life proved to be crucial. I am grateful for the little details that change my life for the better every day.

What makes a “Good Day” a good day for you?

Everyday is a good day since we are alive. It has the potential to become the best day of our life. I wake up with gratitude and joy for the good things that are yet to come Share on X

If the following answer would be read by billions, what would you write?

Never stop loving and believing in yourself!

Additional notes

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