Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed.

Can you share with us a little about your background, experience and your passions in life?

Hi my name is Liz and I am a certified Life Coach through Achology, The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology. I am passionate about helping millennials cultivate a growth mindset & take action on their passions to maximize their full potential.

During these uncertain times, I have been able to invest my time and efforts in building my coaching business. It has been a true blessing in disguise for me.

A few things I enjoy doing are traveling, exploring the outdoors, mixed martial arts – boxing and jiu jitsu.

What would you say are your top 3 core values in life?

Purpose, Self Improvement, Connection

If you could choose any new skill to have, what would it be?

Learn Karate

Who is your virtual coach/mentor, and why?

Ruby Lin is my business coach. I appreciate her so much because she helps me stay on track with my business goals. I’ve learned to stay aligned with my values.

What is your “secret ingredient” for a happier and fulfilling life?

Don’t watch the news.

Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed. Share on X

Which habit do you think is making you a better, happier and healthier person?

Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to police my thoughts and emotions.

How did you build this habit?

I am currently studying to become certified in CBT.

What helps you when you are stressed or anxious?

Changing my environment. Changing my thoughts.

What book changed your life, and in what way?

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer – Gave me deep insight on freeing myself from limitations. Taught me what I can do to end habitual thoughts and emotions that limit our consciousness

Are you into journaling/bujo? If yes, in what way do you journal?

Yes, I journal 1x a week. I write about my dreams. The dreams I have at night. The help me better understand my self on a subconscious level.

Do you practice mindfulness? If yes, why did you start and what do you like about the practice of mindfulness?

I started practicing mindfulness about five years ago. What I like about practicing mindfulness is that it allows me to slow down and understand myself better. It also really helps me to center myself when I am feeling stressed or anxious.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

I quiet my mind.

What is the most unusual thing you are grateful for?

Kit Kat Chocolate and self help books

What makes a “Good Day” a good day for you?

As long as I have expressed gratitude for the people and things I have in my life and learned something new, I know I have had a good day. Share on X

What question I should have asked you by now that I haven’t yet…? What would your answer be?

How old are you?


Additional Notes

Discover more about Liz on her website.

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