I have no secret ingredient, I just keep the promises I make to myself, I learn from every experience life provides me, and it works. 

Can you share with us a little about your background, experience and your passions in life?

Hi my name is Bruce Sanchez, born in Melbourne and raised in Spain back to Melbourne 6 years ago. Overcoming addictions 20 years ago and becoming a growing person at my 23, working in an ambulance, life guard, security guard, bodyguard, Krav Maga Instructor and now a Correctional Officer (since 2017 Melbourne) and Mindset Coach, after experiencing stress, anxiety and PTSD.

So I am helping other officers who struggle with stress and anxiety.

What would you say are your top 3 core values in life?

Integrity, Connection, Honesty

If you could choose any new skill to have, what would it be?

Business skills

If you could select one piece of advice that you feel the world needs to listen to and bring into reality, what would it be?

We are not what we think or what we feel, feelings and thoughts come and go, they are unreliable, they are not what we are, they are not who we are. We are above and beyond them. Share on X

Who is your virtual coach/mentor, and why?

Sean Smith & Richmond Dinh. Sean was my first coach for which I leant transformational coaching and Richmond is my current mentor in terms of marketing and life coaching.

What is your “secret ingredient” for a happier and fulfilling life?

I have no secret ingredient, I just keep the promises I make to myself, I learn from every experience life provides me, and it works.

Which habit do you think is making you a better, happier and healthier person?

My morning meditation, my empathy at work (prison) my availability to serve other people by coaching.

How did you build this habit?

Understanding that we all are people, regardless of our performance . We might be different, especially in terms of definitions i.e. your definition of happiness might be different from mine but at core, we all the same, we all want to be loved… Share on X

What helps you when you are stressed or anxious?

Not to focus on the scary though behind stress and I take over my body, through breathing and being mindful. I understand that stress is a natural reaction and can be a catalyst

What book changed your life, and in what way?

My first E-book (recent) because I never thought I would do something like writing an E-book because years ago I didn’t have English, I had to taught myself by watching movies, using a dictionary and asking people so it has been a great and amazing accomplishment for me.

Do you practice mindfulness? If yes, why did you start and what do you like about the practice of mindfulness?

I completed a certificate course not long a go, but it didn’t come with the meditation so I learnt to mediate own my own and I meditate every morning and before sleep. It really helps me to be the person I know I am.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

If it’s on the weekends, I like to watch documentaries or movies, sometimes music.

What is the most bizarre thing you are grateful for?

I am very grateful for the experience I went through stress and PTSD because thanks to that I finally made myself in the self development and life coaching world, which I was very interested a few years ago.

What makes a “Good Day” a good day for you?

Just being myself with the best of my ability and knowledge, being connected to my core values

What question I should have asked you by now that I haven’t yet…? What would your answer be?

Are you ok at public speaking or video speaking? Oh, hell yeah!!

Additional notes

Discover more about Bruce on Facebook

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