The sooner you learn to accept yourself and all the things that make you unique, the happier you will be.

Can you share with us a little about your background, experience and your passions in life?

I am a New York State Licensed Psychotherapist who has completed his training at The Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (MITPP).

I specialize in individual psychotherapy for adults of all ages, and I am the founder of Affinity Psychotherapy.


Working with people to help them gain a deeper understanding of themselves is both an incredible challenge and a great privilege. I do my best to facilitate and guide the great journey that is the exploration of your inner-world.

If you could choose any new skill to have, what would it be?

Intense self-discipline

If you could select one piece of advice that you feel the world needs to listen to and bring into reality, what would it be?

Don't compare yourself to others. The sooner you learn to accept yourself and all the things that make you unique, the happier you will be. Share on X

What book changed your life, and in what way?

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

I try to step back, take a breath, and look for other ways to approach an issue. I also ask for help if that’s a possibility.

What is the most unusual thing you are grateful for?

I’m grateful that my feet rarely smell.

What makes a “Good Day” a good day for you?

I made the most of whatever I was doing.

If the following answer would be read by billions, what would you write?

We are all part of the same natural world, connected to the birds, fish and other life forms, living on a planet that sustains us.

When we harm our planet and other life forms, we all inevitably suffer the consequences. Our lives are enriched when we help other people, other animals, and the environment that sustains us.

When we do things to better ourselves at the expense of those around us, we all inevitably pay the price. Share on X

Additional notes

I do my best to facilitate and guide the great journey that is the exploration of your inner-world. I will work with you to better understand your personal experience, so that you can take better advantage of the assets, attributes and passions that drive you. Discover more here.

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